Dáil to debate Bill that would make trade union recognition a legal right – Imelda Munster TD

Oct 4, 2020

Imelda MunsterThe Dáil will next week debate a Bill brought forward by Sinn Féin spokesperson on Tourism Imelda Munster TD to make trade union recognition a legal right.

The Trade Union Representation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill will be debated in the Dáil on Thursday.

Teachta Munster said: “You cannot claim to support the right of workers to collectively bargain if you do not support the right to trade union recognition. This Bill will give practical effect to the right of workers to be represented by a trade union.

“Ordinary workers need to have the right to choose who should represent them for collective bargaining purposes and in disciplinary matters and to have that right recognised by employers.

“This State has seen a rise in low pay, precarious work, zero and low hour contracts. 

“Trade unions are the best way that workers have to protect their terms and conditions.

“A level playing field is needed, and this Bill brings that to the table.

“I am looking forward to bringing this Bill to second stage to the Dáil on Thursday.”

A copy of the Trade Union Representation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2018 is available here

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